3rd International Symposium on Tree Genomics, Physiology and Molecular Breeding
November 18-20, 2024, Hangzhou, China
Conference Introduction
The International Symposium on Forest Genomics, Physiology and Molecular Breeding aims to focus on the worldwide research progress in forest genomics and molecular breeding and to promote the exchange and cooperation between domestic and foreign experts, young scientists and postgraduates. The 3rd International Symposium on Forest Genomics, Physiology and Molecular Breeding will be held in Lin 'an, Hangzhou from November 18 to 20, 2024. The conference was hosted by the College of Forestry and Biotechnology of Zhejiang A&F University, organized by the State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Silviculture (International Research Center for Plant Cell Wall) and co-organized by the Zhejiang International Science and Technology Cooperation Base for Plant Germplasm Resources Conservation and Utilization.
会议主题: 树木遗传学,分子生物学和育种
专题1 : 树木次生生长发育与调控
专题2 : 树木次生代谢与调控
专题3 : 树木非生物胁迫
专题4 : 树木分子育种理论与技术
Conference topic: Tree genetics, molecular biology and breeding
Topic 1: Secondary growth, development and regulation of trees
Topic 2: Secondary metabolism and regulation in trees
Topic 3: Abiotic stress in trees
Topic 4: Theory and technology of molecular breeding of trees
拟特邀大会报告专家 (持续更新中...)
Daniela Rodriguez-Zaccaro,加州大学戴维斯分校,美国
Hannele Tuominen,瑞典植物科学中心,瑞典
Monika S. Doblin,乐卓博大学,澳大利亚
Shawn Mansfield,不列颠格哥伦比亚大学,加拿大
Taku Demura,奈良先端科学技术大学院大学,日本
Teemu Heikki Teeri,赫尔辛基大学,芬兰
Tanja Pyhäjärvi,赫尔辛基大学,芬兰
Jarkko Salojärv,南洋理工大学,新加坡
Igor Cesarino,圣保罗大学,巴西
李 伟,教授,东北林业大学
Invited Speakers
Antony Bacic, Professor, Letrobo University, Australia
Igor Cesarino, Professor, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Taku Demura, Professor, Nara Advanced Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Monika S. Doblin, Professor, Letrobo University, Australia
Laigeng Li, Researcher, Center of Excellence for Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Quanzi Li, Professor, Zhejiang A & F University
Wei Li, Professor, Northeast Forestry University
Keming Luo, Professor, Southwestern University
Shawn Mansfield, Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
Shihui Niu, Professor, Beijing Forestry University
Tanja Pyhajarvi, Associate Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland
Daniela Rodriguez-Zaccaro, Professor, University of California, Davis, USA
Jarkko Salojärv, Assistant Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jinbo Shen, Professor, Zhejiang A & F University
Teemu Heikki Teeri, Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland
Hannele Tuominen, Professor, Swedish Center for Plant Sciences, Sweden
Tongming Yin, Professor, Nanjing Forestry University
Deqiang Zhang, Professor, Beijing College of Forestry
Gongke Zhou, Professor, Qingdao Agricultural University
会议委员会Conference Committee
Hannele Tuominen,教授,于默奥植物科学中心,瑞典
Monika S. Doblin,教授,乐卓博大学,澳大利亚
Shawn Mansfield,教授,不列颠哥伦比亚大学,加拿大
Taku Demura,教授,奈良先端科学技术大学院大学,日本
Tony Bacic,教授,乐卓博大学,澳大利亚
Teemu Heikki Teeri,教授,赫尔辛基大学,芬兰
李 伟,教授,东北林业大学,中国
Conference Academic Committee
Tony Bacic, Professor, Lotrobo University, Australia
Taku Demura, Professor, Nara Advanced Graduate Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Monika S. Doblin, Professor, Lotrobo University, Australia
Jianqin Huang, Professor, Zhejiang A&F University, China
Laigeng Li, Researcher, Center of Excellence for Molecular Plant Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Quanzi Li, Professor, Zhejiang A&F University, China
Wei Li, Professor, Northeast Forestry University, China
Keming Luo, Professor, Southwestern University
Meng-Zhu Lu, Professor, Zhejiang A&F University, China
Shawn Mansfield, Professor, University of British Columbia, Canada
Shihui Niu, Professor, Beijing Forestry University
Teemu Heikki Teeri, Professor, University of Helsinki, Finland
Hannele Tuominen, Professor, Swedish Center for Plant Sciences, Sweden
Junhui Wang, Professor, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China
Yang Dong Wang, Professor, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China
Tongming Yin, Professor, Nanjing Forestry University, China
Gongke Zhou, Professor, Qingdao Agricultural University, China
张 进,浙江农林大学
安 轶,浙江农林大学
江 成,浙江农林大学
Conference Organizational Committee
Chairman: Zhengjia Wang, Professor, Zhejiang A&F University
Huahong Huang, Zhejiang A & F University
Jin Zhang, Zhejiang A&F University
Jinshan Gui, Zhejiang A & F University
Yi An, Zhejiang A & F University
Ningning Chen, Zhejiang A & F University
Li-Chao Huang, Zhejiang A & F University
Cheng Jiang, Zhejiang A & F University
Kean-Jin Lim, Zhejiang A&F University
Zhengfu Yang, Zhejiang A&F University
日期 |
时间 |
地点 |
会议内容 |
2024年11月18日 |
9:00-23:00 |
浙江农林大学 学三国际学术报告厅 |
报到注册 |
2024年11月19日 |
8:30-9:00 |
开幕式及合影留念 |
9:00-12:00 |
特邀报告 |
13:30-18:00 |
青年科学家报告 |
2024年11月20日 |
9:00-12:00 |
青年论坛 |
14:00-18:00 |
青年论坛 |
18:00-18:30 |
闭幕式及颁优秀口头报告奖 |
Conference Agenda
Date |
Time |
Location |
Schedule |
November 18,2024 |
9:00-23:00 |
Zhejiang A&F University Academic 3, International Auditorium |
Registration |
November 19,2024 |
8:30-9:00 |
Opening ceremony and photo-taking |
9:00-12:00 |
Invited presentation |
13:30-18:00 |
Young scientist forum |
November 20,2024 |
9:00-12:00 |
Youth forum |
14:00-18:00 |
Youth forum |
18:00-18:30 |
Award for excellent oral presentation and closing ceremony |
注册费 缴费时间 |
非学生代表(含博士后) |
学生代表(脱产在籍的本科生、硕士生、博士生) |
10月10日前(含) |
1000元/人 |
600元/人 |
10月10日后 |
1200元/人 |
800元/人 |

Conference Registration
Location: Zhejiang A & F University (East Lake Campus).
Conference registration deadline (subject to receipt of registration confirmation) : October 20, 2024.
Conference registration fee:
Registration fee Payment deadline |
Non-student representatives (including postdocs) |
Student representatives (full-time undergraduate students, master's students, doctoral students) |
Before October 10 (inclusive) |
1000 RMB /person |
600 RMB /person |
After October 10 |
1200 RMB /person |
800 RMB /person |
Payment method:
① Transfer to the following account (through the Finance Department, bank, online banking, mobile banking, etc.), Account name: Zhejiang A&F University; opening bank: China Construction Bank Co., LTD. Hangzhou Lin 'an Branch; account number: 33001617335050018761-3003. Please be sure to note the names of the participants and the conference on forest genomics and send the remittance slip and invoice information to the conference team in time. Transfer account (please note: Forest Genomics + participant name).
② Scan code bank transfer: (add note: Forest Genomics + participant name)

③ Pay by card on site.
➢ 树木基因组与进化
➢ 林木种质资源的创新与利用
➢ 树木次生生长的调控
➢ 细胞壁合成与调控
➢ 树木次生代谢与调控
➢ 树木遗传多样性研究
➢ 树木基因编辑技术、应用与发展
➢ 林木分子育种的新技术、新方法和新进展
➢ 树木的胁迫感知与信号传导
➢ 树木发育可塑性与逆境适应
➢ 树木抗逆性生物学及其调控研究
Abstract Submission
Participants are invited to submit abstracts of reports on the following topics: Tree Genomics, Growth and Development, Stress and Breeding.
➢ Tree genomes and evolution
➢ Innovation and utilization of forest germplasm resources
➢ Regulation of secondary growth in trees
➢ Cell wall synthesis and regulation
➢ Secondary metabolism and regulation of trees
➢ Studies on the genetic diversity of trees
➢ Tree gene editing technology, application and development
➢ New techniques, new methods and new advances in molecular breeding of forest trees
➢ Stress perception and signal transduction in trees
➢ Developmental plasticity and stress adaptation of trees
➢ Biology of stress resistance in trees and its regulation
会议将筛选优秀论文摘要参加11月20日下午的论坛口头报告,报告时间10分钟。论坛将评选优秀口头报告一、二、三等奖,并给予奖励。报名参加研究生论坛报告的申请人请在注册时提交摘要,连同会议报名回执一同发至 王老师 WJH@zafu.edu.cn。
摘要题目(12 Times New Roman)
作者姓名、作者单位全称或通讯作者单位全称、地址、邮编、邮箱地址(10 Times New Roman)
摘要正文(12 Times New Roman)
关键词(12 Times New Roman)
1.5 倍行距
摘要文本不超过 400 字,可配必要的图或表。全部内容不得超过1页A4 纸。摘要文本内容需为英文,以电子文本形式 (.docx),文件命名方式为姓名+单位名称。
Abstract Submission for Graduate Student Forum
The conference will select outstanding abstracts for the Forum's oral report on the afternoon of November 20, which will last 10 minutes. The Forum will select the first, second and third prizes for the outstanding oral reports and award prizes. To register as a speaker for the Graduate Forum, please submit an abstract at the time of registration and send it along with your conference registration confirmation to WJH@zafu.edu.cn.
Deadline for submission: October 20, 2024 (inclusive).
Title of the abstract (12 Times New Roman)
Author's name, author's full name or name of corresponding author, address, postal code and email address (10 Times New Roman)
Text of the abstract (12 Times New Roman)
Keywords (12 Times New Roman)
1.5 spaces
The text of the abstract should not exceed 400 words and may be accompanied by the required figures or tables. The total content must not exceed 1 A4 page. The text of the abstract should be written in English and in electronic text format (.docx) and the file name should be name + paper name.
本次会议可代为参会代表预订酒店住宿。预订酒店暂定为杭州钱王开元名都酒店(城中街518 号, 杭州市, 浙江省, 311300),具体信息详见第二轮通知。
Conference Accommodation
Hotel accommodation can be booked on behalf of delegates. The reservation is tentatively under the name of Hangzhou Qianwang Kaiyuan Mingdu Hotel (No. 518 Chengzhong Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 311300). For more details, please refer to the announcement of the second round.